The season premiere 'Under Construction' was aired on June 8, 2015, while the nineteenth episode 'Baptism by Fire' served as the season finale, and was aired on October 12, 2015. In May 2015, the official premier date, cast and trailer were revealed. The renewal of the tenth season of The Real Housewives of Orange County was announced in January 2015. The Real Housewives of Orange County focuses on the lives of Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Judge, Heather Dubrow, Shannon Beador and Meghan King Edmonds. Its executive producers are Adam Karpel, Alex Baskin, Douglas Ross, Gregory Stewart, Scott Dunlop, Stephanie Boyriven and Andy Cohen. It aired Juntil November 12, 2015, and was primarily filmed in Orange County, California. The tenth season of The Real Housewives of Orange County, an American reality television series, was broadcast on Bravo.